Pass Your Exam, Get That Job and Build a Career: Everything you need to know about exam and interview technique


V. Charles Ward


£8.99, Independently published



I used to enjoy taking exams – which is good because I took some several times. I assumed that the Finals examinations I did in 1980s would be the last papers I would take. Certainly they were the most demanding. But, no, testing goes on in different ways, with accreditation, re-accreditation and online tests for anyone wanting to do anything in the judiciary.


I suppose this year there will be fewer students doing examinations which will please some, though others might be concerned at the alternative of predicted grades. At least examinations are fair to a certain extent, but while passing an exam may entitle you to do something, it may not mean you can do it. Learning is lifelong: in the same way that passing a driving test is only the start of knowing how to drive a car.

This book is about all the different types of test we face: from examinations to job interviews and on to career progression. It is all about technique and knowing what the examiner wants. Read the question carefully, at least a couple of times.

What’s more, the author, who has also written the Legal Profession: Is It For You? A No-Nonsense Guide to a Career in the Law, is a very experienced lawyer who has also worked as an examination question setter and chief examiner.

Pass Your Exam has some sound and practical advice on examination technique. Some are basic, such as write legibly, and do not write in invisible ink by using a gel pen seems sensible. Other areas are equally well covered, including advice on CVs. I seem to get loads of CVs, all with similar personal statements, such as ’I am a people person and good team player’. It is rare for a CV to stand out or to be interesting.

The book includes sensible emphasis on the need to be enthusiastic, dedicated and interested throughout your career. I have sometimes known people who qualify at the grand old age of 25, or whatever, and then stop work, thinking they do not have to do anything ever again. Training and education is lifelong. This is a very useful book and worth a look at any stage in a career. Discuss. Write on both sides of the paper. You may now turn over the page.

David Pickup is a partner at Pickup & Scott Solicitors, Aylesbury

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