Close deals faster

Safelink VDRs are more than just data rooms. With drag-and-drop ingestion of emails, ZIPs and more, you’ll never have to worry about converting, unzipping or re-packaging files again.

From intuitive organisation to powerful audit information, every part of Safelink was designed to make deals simpler.

12 years of trust

Used by firms like Meade King, Farrer & Co and Seddons, Safelink VDRs have been successfully delivered when it matters the most. With a unique combination of encryption processes and 2FA, you can enjoy peace of mind with Safelink’s unparalleled security.

Everything you need

  • Q&A tools with advanced permissions
  • Full, unlimited audit trail
  • Analytics to gauge bidder interest
  • Indexed, paginated deal bibles
  • 24/7 support

The Safelink story

In 2011, in a small cafe, an Australian and a Jerseyman asked a question. Why is legal software so uninspiring? Can’t software help us, not hinder us?

With their backgrounds in Finance and Technology, they decided to make a change.

So, they created Safelink; a software company aimed at improving the lives of the people they knew. 12 years and many happy clients later, they’re still doing the same thing.

Safelink offers the following to UK solicitors:

  • A free 7-day trial and product demonstrations
  • Data migration support
  • Unlimited 24/7 access to their customer support and training team
  • Simple, disbursable billing
  • Contracts that work for you, including month-to-month and annual
  • Pricing from just £75 per month

Book a free demonstration