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The decision to hold a referendum on this question i suspect will turn out to be a very costly political mistake for David Cameron.
He has taken what basically is an internal Tory argument and elevated it to a all or nothing debate, the timing couldnt be worse the presumption is that as in most elections /referendums most people start with a wish to maintain the status qou.
The Politicians have massively underestimated the electorates views on this issue , people who have never expressed a political thought or opinion are willing for the first time to vote they wont be voting to stay in .
My own view was that regardless of faults the eec has historically led to a greater degree of stability in Europe and for that reaso alone i would wish to stay i presumed wrongly most people would be of the same view i was wrong incredibly almost everyone you ask has already made up there minds to leave, this is going to be i believe a case of completely misjudging the views of the public.
We will sadly i believe leave because the Tory party couldnt resolve its own internal differences democracy in action i suppose.

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