Leading Lawyers: A practical toolkit to help you adjust your leadership style and deliver great results


Sally Sanderson


£19.99, Practical Inspiration Publishing



Leadership skills – showing vision, bringing out the best in people and motivating them – are essential whether you are working for a huge commercial firm or in a high street practice.

In Leading Lawyers, Sally Sanderson draws on many years’ experience advising different types of law firms.

Sanderson provides some helpful pointers and advice on different styles and approaches to leadership, while focusing on how the ‘ABCDE’ methodology – Achieve, Benefits, Clarify, Difficulties and Evaluate – can improve leadership skills.  

It is probably true that solicitors are not always perfect at managing colleagues, and they do not always value non-lawyers, so, as a profession, we need guidance and training in this area.

While Leading Lawyers is written for everyone, newly appointed partners or associates in larger firms will likely benefit the most from it.


David Pickup is a partner at Pickup & Scott Solicitors, Aylesbury