Reviewed by: Monidipa Fouzder
Author: Christine Conwell and Malcolm Rodgers
Publisher: Vanguard Press
ISBN: 978-1843868859
Price: £7.99

As a James Bond fan, I was immediately drawn to reading this book by the cover illustration and title, and I was not disappointed.

Set at a time of recession, a Mafia bank is cheated out of millions and sets about getting revenge and retrieving its losses in an unorthodox fashion. London lawyer James Saville-Jones is unwittingly embroiled in the scam with his firm and, before he knows it, he too becomes one of its victims.

Authors Christine Conwell and Malcolm Rodgers have used their backgrounds in law and business brilliantly to deliver a gripping read set against a backdrop of city slickers and banking.

Monidipa Fouzder is a sub-editor at the Law Society Gazette