Child Care and Protection: Law and Practice (6th Edition) 

Safda Mahmood and Julie Doughty


£39, Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing


Child Care and Protection is an excellent introduction to a complex area of law.

There is nothing in this book which will be new to the experienced child protection lawyer, but, even for him or her, it will be a useful book to have around.

It provides an excellent introduction to most aspects of child protection law, from the initial involvement of a local authority to the conclusion of court proceedings.

There is a clear, concise and logical account of the law relating to child protection, making the book a good starting point for those who wish to gain knowledge in this area of law or those starting out in this work.

Some areas are covered in more detail than others and the book suffers slightly as a result. For example, experts play an extremely important role in public law court proceedings and can be the decisive factor in determining the outcome of a case, yet the chapter on experts is one of the shorter ones.

A chapter on funding and legal aid would be a useful addition.

The book is a small paperback and so can easily be taken out and about. But it has the detailed references to statute and to case law that is to be expected of a book for practitioners and to assist a more detailed study, together with very helpful procedural tables.

Minor criticisms aside, this reference book is recommended. 


Mark Samuel is a family law solicitor at RJR Solicitors, Isle of Wight