Moral and legal dilemmas over miracle cure

Dead Thin: a medico-legal thriller


Diana Brahams


£8.99, Heathview Books




This is an unusual story about a pharmaceutical company that has developed a miracle cure slimming pill. It starts with the death of one of its employees. A colleague finds worrying information in the dead person’s home. The tale unfolds with glamorous journalists and a computer hacker. It raises questions about the moral and legal dilemmas facing the industry.

The author is an experienced legal writer who has had an interesting career. She started in chancery chambers and was writing about property law. She began to specialise in medicine and law – and the interaction of these two professions continues to fascinate me. She has written for The Lancet and edits the Medico-Legal Journal.


David Pickup is a partner at Pickup & Scott Solicitors, Aylesbury

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