Practitioner’s handbook covers the bases

Selwyn’s Law of Employment (22nd edition)


Astra Emir


£42.99, Oxford University Press



This 22nd edition is certainly not a disappointment. Splitting this book into parts allows for simple navigation and easy-to-read text. It is by no means ‘a short read’: the 667 pages include a Preface, a ‘New to the Edition’ page, and an easy-to-navigate ‘Contents’ section.

Selwyn Law of Employment

I found the consideration of cases from both the UK and EU quite useful. The ‘Table of Cases’ section and footnotes of cases on each page where relevant mean that cases and legal principles can be quickly identified.

What quickly became a favourite of mine, other than the easy-to-follow language, is how each chapter covers the background to a particular topic and ends with a snapshot of what was covered and a reminder of any online resources.

Being a regular user of both the White Book and the Green Book, I suspect that as a practitioner, if I cannot find the answer in this book, the answer itself may not exist anywhere else.

This book is a broad and comprehensive guide for both practitioners and students alike.   


Zainab Zaeem-Sattar is a solicitor at Runnymede Law, London