Elderly law is a growing and complex area. It is over 20 years since the first edition of this book came out. As a comprehensive overview of all areas of its subject, it will help both the beginner and more specialised practitioner.

This edition has practical advice on the following recent developments: the Care Act 2014, the Welfare Reform Act 2012, new case law on mental capacity, and revised forms and procedures for lasting power of attorney. It also provides signposting for more in-depth information and has a list of sources for law and guidance.

The book has a chapter on finance and welfare for elderly clients, with a detailed summary of benefits. This chapter is useful as more and more elderly people are now ending up in care and require local authority funding.

Author: Caroline Bielanska

£59.95, Law Society Publishing

The practical sections are very good, particularly the guidance on marketing and adapting your office procedures to elderly clients. This advice ranges from the language used and the style of communications, to office fittings and furniture.

I was intrigued by one reference to a court case where a solicitor was criticised for not following the ‘golden rule’ at the bedside of a dying man. He was assisting the dying client to write a will in contemplation of marriage! (Wharton v Bancroft [2011] EWHC 3250).

David R Pickup is a partner and Lori Ansell an assistant solicitor at Pickup & Scott in Aylesbury