Obiter has been checking to see how Professor Richard Susskind’s new book, Tomorrow’s Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future, is faring at online retailer Amazon.

Publisher OUP has priced the book at £9.99. At the time of writing, some vendors were already offering it at £6.73. That’s not unusual: Obiter has a friend whose first novel is trading at 1p, new. But on Amazon the ‘used’ price for Tomorrow’s Lawyers is £11.67.

Evidently, folk who have already read the book believe it is under-priced, and this is their dignified protest. Take Michael Leathes, who hails from the International Mediation Institute in the Netherlands.

Leathes likes the book a lot, praising its ‘absorbing, punchy style’, and gives it the maximum five stars. In fact, Leathes has given all the books he has reviewed five stars, including the ‘unputdownable’ How to Beat Bedlam in the Boardroom and Boredom in the Bedroom.

Anyway, Obiter has got the message, and will be paying the full £11.67. After all, War and Peace averages only four-and-a-half stars on Amazon.