Lord Denning suffers a moment of self-doubt. An event which, along with Black Bess turning king’s evidence and DH Lawrence rewriting Lady Chatterley’s Lover without naughty bits, never happened, according to Nick Chambers QC. (Likewise a court taking part in a Ministry of Justice pilot project to reduce the cost of civil litigation.)

They all appear in Chambers’ collection of watercolours and explanatory captions published as Missed Moments in Legal History. Former judge Chambers is a sixth-generation watercolourist as well as being chair of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting.

The book was inspired by the tale of a Mrs Donoghue of Paisley, whose discovery of a decomposing snail in a bottle of ginger beer prompted an action against its manufacturers (Donoghue v Stevenson), which went to the House of Lords. Their lordships ruled three to two for Donoghue, drawing on the parable of the Good Samaritan. Missed Moments in Legal History is published by Oblong Creative, £19.95. It is available from www.wildy.com and all profits go to the Barristers Benevolent Association.