Registered Charity No: 296572 (England & Wales).

Who are SANE?

SANE is a leading UK mental health charity. Our aim is to change mental health for good through research, campaigning and support for anyone affected by mental illness, including families and carers. Our vision is to help create a world in which there is no shame or blame surrounding mental illness. We believe mental health needs to be recognised as one of the greatest challenges facing society today and must be treated with the same seriousness as physical health. To keep our work going we rely heavily on voluntary donations and do not receive any government or lottery funding.

A Gift in your Will 

A gift to SANE is special. It’s your promise of a better future for individuals and families affected by mental illness. Every year our team of volunteers and mental health professionals provides more than 11,000 hours of time, guidance, information and emotional support. A promise that means we can continue to put the people who need us first.

How to leave a Gift to Sane

Leaving a gift in your Will to SANE is easier than you might think. Find a solicitor or professional Will writer to write or update your Will and provide them with SANE’s details. They will need the full charity name, charity address and registered charity number.

Learn more about SANE on our website: