Registered Charity No: 1071886 (England & Wales).

Tuberculosis (TB) is the greatest infectious cause of death worldwide. Until the 1960s it was a major killer in Britain. Many older people will remember the isolation sanatoria and fear. Each year in Britain, there are still around 5,000 people diagnosed with TB.

Even worse, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that one and a half million people worldwide still die from TB annually, despite improvements in diagnostic tools and drugs. A figure that has increased as health resources were diverted away from TB to address the Covid pandemic.

It is iniquitous that so many still die from a curable disease. Much more effort and input are required to reach all who need TB care.

TB Alert focusses on community support to increase awareness of TB, support individuals with the disease through the months of treatment, provide information about TB, and encourage governments to keep focussed on a disease that WHO believes can be made a rarity by 2050.

Today, the work of TB Alert is focussed on India, the country in the World with the greatest burden of TB. We also work in Britain providing information and support to individuals undergoing treatment, and supporting community aspects of research.

By leaving a legacy to TB Alert we will go on fighting TB and saving lives long into the future. A gift in your Will, no matter the size, will make a big difference to people’s lives.

Contact us at:

Tel: 020 8969 4830
Mobile: 07979 860 266
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