Armed Forces Legal Action is a nationwide initiative calling on law firms across the UK to provide members of the armed forces community one-third off legal fees. Its aim is to benefit serving personnel and those who have served within two years of engaging the law firm.

It also seeks to extend lifetime coverage to those who have suffered serious combat injuries, recipients of the Victoria Cross and the George Cross, and bereaved next of kin recipients of the Elizabeth Cross.

Participation in AFLA is free and will allow law firms to carry a logo, receive positive publicity and develop a new source of business. AFLA is independent of government, though it works to promote the government’s armed forces covenant. AFLA is not another charity – it does not seek to raise money; it seeks to keep money where it is.

By supporting AFLA, lawyers will join each other in attempting to repay the enormous debt of gratitude we in the legal profession owe for services rendered by those who risk life and limb to defend the laws we practise. Interest in the initiative can be registered at this website.

Allan Steele, founder, Armed Forces Legal Action, Giffnock
