John Lockett

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    Courts: the US should be a warning

    10 June 2013

    Unfortunately, I did not read John Hyde’s web article ‘What’s so bad about privatising our courts?’ until the comments had closed. However, as a former law student and now a researcher in criminology, I have the following thoughts to offer.

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    Innocent until proven guilty

    04 February 2013

    With regard to Mr Grayling’s remarks on legally aided ‘criminals’ not having access to QCs, I assume he means that, if a defendant is so poor they need legal aid, they are only entitled to a lower standard (no insult to other barristers intended) than the prosecution.

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    Employment outcry


    At the risk of sounding like a liar - sorry, politician - charging fees for employment tribunals really would have a ‘chilling effect’ on access to justice.

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    Real reason for cuts


    Has it occurred to anyone that the motivation behind cuts (begun by New Labour remember) in legal aid – particularly in the civil arena – may be a good deal more sinister than the coalition would have us believe?