Lesley Graves

  • Opinion

    PI reform scandal

    11 January 2016

    The government’s PI ‘reform’ is a final nail in the coffin for the vulnerable victim left standing alone against insurance giants.

  • Surgeons

    PI diversification poses risks


    The trend of non-specialist firms moving into clinical negligence work in a bid to shore up revenues following LASPO could have damaging consequences for the profession.

  • Jackson

    Post-Jackson: is selling the right option?


    Small firms may be tempted to get out of PI fast, but a more pragmatic approach could suit them better.

  • Lesleygraves

    Counting the cost of interventions


    The cost of law firm failures is being felt across the solicitors’ profession. The Gazette reported recently that the unprecedented bill for the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) intervening in failing firms means that we will all have to pay an extra £23 each towards the compensation fund in the coming ...