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@ nigel baggaley quinlan - re: your comment: "I am a lawyer" -

No you're not.

If you were a lawyer, you would by now have been sacked and/or disbarred. The fact that you run a business which employs McKenzie Friends does not make you a lawyer.

I am a lawyer and I also work as a McKenzie Friend, and, unlike you, I am both regulated and insured, both necessary measures to protect clients, the Court and Court users from me exercising inappropriate behaviour.

When you have successfully completed 4/5 years of exams, and a period of qualifying employment, then you can come back here and call yourself a lawyer.

Until then, regardless of what you call yourself, you are no more a lawyer than you are a brain surgeon.

Finally, a word of advice. Contrary to what you hear in the media, not all publicity is good publicity.

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