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As a Solicitor, it's been many years since I thought that courts were a suitable venue for warring couples to resolve their differences. After all if you fell out with your dad or your granny, you wouldn't race off to court about it, case law or no case law on the issue. As a tax payer, I resent having to fork out for others to have the luxury of battling it out in the courts. And does anyone really think that having access to courts is going to make the lives of the children of acrimonious separating couples any better? The parties will still screw up their kids anyway since the time spent in court is obviously a tiny fraction of the majority of the time parents have with the kids. Litigation and court orders won't make these parties better people. If they want to become better, fairer people they need to achieve this by themselves. Violence and contact are obvious exceptions but those who are ineligible for legal aid mostly can't afford the legal costs and the litigation still won't make the contenders better people.

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