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Do the Gazette journalists simply publish the press releases in a rush to add 'content'? How is this article news? Was it researched at all?

There are in fact several 'para-law' firms already in existence; none of which have ever posed a threat to ten thousand solicitors firms and in fact seek work from solicitors. A quick search reveals the difference here is that the founder of this so-called para-law firm is also involved in costs finance and heavily connected to Shensmith Barristers as is the QC who has provided a quote for the press release.

So the real story is a grouping of barristers seeking to manage litigation, funding and even paralegal support all without a law firm. So how successful is this group?

It is very obvious that any barrister who was busy enough would simply not need to sign up for a marketing scheme such as the Shensmith Barristers website which does not appear to be a very successful enterprise based on its micro-enterprise accounts.

A quick check on Companies House reveals Shensmith Group does very little given the net asset worth of just over £1073 in its micro-accounts for 2016 reducing from £1247 in 2015. Turnover seems also to be very low.

Does this marketing scheme really deserve to be highlighted in the solicitor's gazette simply because a catchy new phrase of "para-law" firm has been bandied about in the press release?

Counsel magazine very much thinks of the bar first. Perhaps the Gazette will research further articles more carefully and think of solicitors first, given the special status of this publication.

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