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The law of unintended consequences will rear its head at some point. Injured for a day now gets the same award as 3 months so these now become worth claiming, your premium goes up after a non fault accident anyway so the costs of the 1 day pain will recover the increased premium making it worthwhile to claim, fraud will increase as it wont be cost effective to challenge such low value claims (and thus taking them out of the SCT) just the effect (£'s) will be less., CMC's will handle these so all that intel collected over the years is useless and you now have a new set of people to figure out and deal with who aren't as regulated as law firms, judicial review anyone for those who are unable to use the new portal (disabled, old, young etc) who are discriminated against by having to use a law firm and thus lose damages? Insurers lose staff (and thus experience) and revert to checklists or AI to decide claims. The list is endless. Plenty of life in the PI industry (yes I use the "I" word deliberately as that is what successive governments created again unexpectedly) all that has changed is the money changing hands might be less and who claims it.

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