Your 1 December issue contained letters from Nick Moss, a district tribunal judge in Newcastle (‘Judicial diversity is thriving’), and Simon de Galleani (‘All inclusive’). Both gave the distinct impression that there is policy afoot, not only in the current appointment system for judges, but also in contemplation by the Labour party, to make the judiciary of England and Wales more ‘diverse’.

While the word ‘diverse’ in politically correct parlance is usually coupled with ‘equality’, it should be borne in mind that in practical terms what is meant by these two words is a contradiction in terms, not to mention an abuse of the English language. What is meant is certainly intended to deceive the audience.

To push for quotas or particular percentages of sexes, sexualities, ethnic groups and so on may of course further the agenda of what is now being referred to as ‘diversity’. But it is the opposite of genuine equality and certainly wholly inconsistent with either equal treatment or appointment on merit. What has been lost is the rather more important objective of public service.

It should also be borne in mind by those who push for ‘diversity’ that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. If there are to be quotas they should, under the Equality Act, be strictly limited to the proportion of the various ethnicities in the population. Indeed, to legally justify a quota, a survey must be done which proves that a particular group is under-represented.

I would respectfully suggest that one of the groups under-represented in England is English national identity. As the most comprehensive survey undertaken by the state showed in the 2011 census, 60.4% of the population of England regard themselves as having ‘English Only’ national identity, with a further 9% being ‘English and British’. It follows that, on diversity criteria alone, 70% of appointments to all public bodies in England and Wales should be English.

I would be interested to hear which of your correspondents on this topic is calling for that result?

Robin Tilbrook, solicitor, chairman of the English Democrats, Ongar
