While the Colombia Caravana UK Lawyers Group welcomes the commitment to the protection of human rights in Colombia expressed in ambassador Mauricio Rodriguez Munera’s letter, we continue to have grave concerns about the safety of Colombian human rights lawyers.

A large number of UK lawyers (54 in total) from the Law Society, the bar and ILEX visited Colombia in the company of lawyers from 17 other countries during the international lawyers’ delegation known as the Caravana, in 2008 and 2010, to investigate the situation of judges and lawyers, and to monitor human rights.

We are dismayed that, as recently as 10 June, we have reports of threats, attacks and deaths of human rights defenders, judges and lawyers. As the ambassador writes, the Colombian state has moved forward on legislation to protect human rights – and we await results. The international legal community will watch the implementation of reform of the justice system, and protection for legal professionals and victims of human rights violations closely. Anyone interested should contact Colombian.caravana@gmail.com for further information.

Professor Sara Chandler, Law Society Council member; president, FBE Human Rights Commission; chair, Colombia Caravana UK Lawyers Group