A short honeymoon period when starting a new role is usually to be expected but for lady chief justice Carr it appeared her honeymoon was shorter than most.

Having been officially invested in the job on 2 October, she recounted to the Civil Justice Council’s National Forum that she received an email just seven days later from HM Courts & Tribunals Service.

Addressed to Dame Lady Chief Justice Carr, the email said HMCTS had ‘received official notification from the Judicial Office of your retirement/leaving salaried appointment’.

The message continued: ‘Please be aware that your account will be blocked 60 days from your retirement date which is 29 November.’

Carr said she was then mandated to return all of her departmental IT kit to her digital support officer.

Obiter is pleased to say that retirement is some way off, and Carr’s tenure did not run to just a week in office.
