A stroll down Gazette memory lane

Law Society Gazette, 1 August 2012

HMCTS shuts down £10m IT failure

Justice officials have admitted that they cannot say when a new computer system will replace a £10m failed attempt to upgrade IT in the High Court. The Electronic Working System, designed to speed up cases in the Royal Courts of Justice, was ditched in March.

8 August 2012

High street firms to face free-for-all

High street solicitors could lose their hold on conveyancing and probate work, and the push towards multi-disciplinary partnerships could receive a boost, under government proposals released last week. However the Lord Chancellor’s Department’s response to the Office of Fair Trading’s report suggests that legal professional privilege and the QC system are safe from reform.

25 August 1982

That will do nicely

If I understand the reasoning correctly, the Law Society takes the view that solicitors must not accept payment of fees from clients by use of their credit cards because this constitutes fee sharing with unqualified persons. I am wondering whether the time has come to reconsider.

August 1942

Solicitor’s exploit

When Tobruk was invested by the enemy, two British officers made a most daring escape. Driving out from the Tobruk perimeter in a motor vehicle, they joined an enemy troop convoy. German and Italian soldiers mistook them for German staff officers and saluted them as they joined the mobile column. They eventually reached British headquarters. One of the officers was Lt Ronald Bentham-Green, who was admitted in December 1939.
