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If the MoJ want disputes settled away from court then there needs to be more emphasis put on a conciliatory system. The current requirement to attend mediation is a pathetic lip service to those who genuinely wish to resolve matters out of court. If one party (usually the ones with most to "gain") chooses not to engage then there is nothing the other party can do about it and no recognition or questioning of the situation is undergone in Court. It is a pointless requirement. Furthermore, the mediation industry needs to be more professional and accountable. There is not even a requirement to keep written records of events and discussions. It is a joke and needs to be addressed.

As far as representing ones self (Litigants in Person) I think that the Courts MUST become more "user friendly" towards them and more assistance and understanding given. I believe it is all too often the case that Court decisions are given in favour of those with legal representation as this is usually the course of least 'effort' on the Court itself. Justice must be matter how inconvenient!

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