International Human Rights Law (3rd edition)

Daniel Moeckli, Sangeeta Shah and Sandesh Sivakumaran

£35.99, OUP

As the preface of this book instructs the reader, human rights mean different things to different people. This results in a range of understanding about the origin, function and purpose of human rights law. The well-thought-out text provides the reader with a route by which to navigate this diversity.

The book offers a comprehensive analysis of international human rights law for any student or practitioner; each chapter is written by an expert in their respective field.

The book’s thought-provoking overview of the history and development of human rights law includes consideration of its philosophical foundations. The series of critical theories enable the reader to consider the concept of human rights law and its social context.

The text then covers substantive rights in considerable depth, including equality and discrimination, education and work, and cultural rights and women’s rights, before moving on to a clear and articulate description of the various systems of protection at the international, regional and domestic level. The detailed description of the legal sources and the content of each category of right, as well as the enforcement mechanism, make the text a useful reference tool.

The final sections of the book, which consider contemporary challenges to human rights such as terrorism and poverty, invite the reader to consider the role and importance of human rights law in future.

Each chapter contains references to further reading and useful websites, enabling the student and academic reader to use the book as a research starting point.

The third edition of this book includes new sections on children’s rights and regional protection mechanisms, which are both growth areas in international law.

This is a valuable resource for academics and practitioners alike.

Louise Price is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, London