Obiter commends any attempt by a law firm to be innovative and stand out from the crowd. But perhaps Yorkshire firm Last Cawthra Feather was overdoing the excitement just a touch last week when it revealed to the world that its new brand LCF Law is behind the Twitter handle @lawfairsquare.

The revelation followed a teaser campaign of daily tweets counting down to the ‘big reveal’. The firm’s press release says the campaign ‘quickly attracted an avid national and international following’, which, as the Gazette went to press, stood at, er, 375 (including @ObiterGazette).

Perhaps the following might have been bigger had its message been a little bit less baffling. As the press release noted, the campaign was designed around ‘telling customers not to contact them if they were happy with the service they were getting from their current law firm’.

When we asked the PR whizzkids what this meant, they told us the campaign is ‘based on the fact that if you tell someone not to look at something, they’ll always look at it’.

On that logic, the ultimate promotion would be to have a campaign prosecuted under the Obscene Publications Acts. In the current febrile state of the market, it can only be a matter of time.
