A stroll down Gazette memory lane

Gazette 24 November 2011

Peers savage legal aid reforms

Hopes are emerging that the government will amend at least some of its legal aid reforms after peers voiced overwhelming criticism of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill. Only three of the 54 peers who spoke at the second reading offered support.

22 November 2001

Government slams euro move

The UK government has thrown cold water on European Commission plans to harmonise contract law between states. It said the option of replacing existing laws with Europe-wide legislation is ‘disproportionate and likely to cut across the principle of subsidiarity’.

20 November 1991

New appeals body

Of the 123 proposed changes to the criminal justice system set out in the Law Society’s submission to the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice, the setting up of an independent review body, the elimination of the home secretary’s referral role and a whittling down of the powers of the Court of Appeal are the most radical.

18 November 1981

Cashless pay

The Central Policy Review Staff has published a discussion paper entitled ‘Cashless Pay – Alternatives to Cash in Payment of Wages’. The aim of the paper is to review the obstacles which stand in the way of employers who wish to pay employees by cheque or credit transfer system. In 1979 in the UK, 53% of all employees were paid in cash.

November 1961


The August issue of the Gazette contained a letter from ‘A Motoring Lawyer’ which strongly criticised the meter-parking system on the ground that the signs used to mark such parking zones are often insufficient in number, badly sited and confusing. Such letters are sufficient to show how unsatisfactory the situation has become from the motorist’s point of view.
