Drafting a complex commercial contract is probably child’s play compared to coming up with ways to entertain the kids during the summer holidays. No doubt solicitor parents are feeling grateful to the Supreme Court for opening its doors to families in August.

Activities included guided tours and a ‘Legal Eagle’ trail to keep the kids entertained. But Obiter was most excited to ‘become a justice’. Sadly, we didn’t get to sit in Lady Hale’s presidential chair and hand down a judgment. However, we did get to take part in an interactive workshop to learn how the Supreme Court reached its decision in the term-time holiday case Isle of Wight Council v Platt.

While attendees enthusiastically debated the definition of ‘regular attendance’, Obiter was fascinated to learn that, thanks to the Interpretation Act 1978, ‘he’ in a statute also applies to ‘she’. We were also told that Wetherspoons pubs often stock books on case law on their book shelves. Surely a perfect excuse for exhausted parents to visit their nearest ’Spoons to celebrate the end of the school holidays.


