Our Law Society spotlight usually picks out a specific service for members, but this month we are looking back on 2017 as a whole.

Joe Egan

Joe Egan, President, The Law Society

We are run by and for our members. Our 100 Council members and several hundred expert committee members ensure that we deliver – on behalf of the profession – the support our members need.

The Law Society has today published its business review for 2017, highlighting the range of activity we delivered for our members.

Last year we set out the member needs we wanted to address. Some things we do on behalf of the whole profession and others are to meet specific member needs and challenges.

During a year of significant developments, we have made great progress with the work we do, and here we highlight just some of our key achievements and examples of the impact we have had.

For more detail go to our website (lawsociety.org.uk) and our Twitter feed (@TheLawSociety).

Your professional body

On behalf of the whole profession, we promote the brand of solicitor at home and abroad, and we influence the regulatory and legislative environment.

Promoting the profession at home

Last year we continued our solicitor brand advertising campaign at home and drove traffic to our Find a Solicitor website.

Fas 660

Promoting the profession internationally

Our global legal centre campaign continued to promote English and Welsh law with new promotional videos and outreach work in multiple countries.

18 events

50 bilateral meetings

Influencing for impact

Last year we responded to 97 consultations and made our voice heard in the media, in parliament and at party conferences. Our focus was on Brexit, working with the government to shape UK positions on withdrawal to protect our members.


Parliament infographic

Keeping members up to date

We are your informed source of news on the latest in the legal sector. We kept you up to speed on the fast-moving environment we work in.

Gazette infographic

Supporting practice excellence

We continued to develop practice notes through our expert committees, ran roadshows and ethics events, and published reports to help members stay on top of their game.

2700 helpline

Career companion

Our Professional Development Centre provided opportunities from bite-sized training upwards. Our centre helps you log your training from any provider and meet your continuing competence requirements.

49322 course participants

7498 webinars


So that was 2017. This year we are continuing to focus on tackling the issues most important to our members, promoting the profession, keeping you informed, supporting practice excellence and helping you at every stage of your career.

Please visit www.lawsociety.org.uk/about-us/Law-Society-membership to find out more about what we can do for you.


71 webinars
