A magistrate has received a formal warning after he was found to have shared and responded to social media posts which contained anti-Semitic content.

Magistrates Court sign

Source: Alamy

Ansar Hussain JP informed his bench chair that he had been suspended from the Labour Party pending an investigation into his social media activity.

A judicial disciplinary investigation found that Hussain had on four occasions, between 2015 and 2019, shared and responded to posts on social media which contained anti-Semitic content. Two of the four occasions took place before Hussain became a magistrate.

Hussain, who apologised, closed his public social media accounts and undertook diversity and inclusivity training.

The South East Region Conduct Advisory Committee found the actions were prejudiced and ‘fell below the high standard of conduct expected of a judicial officer-holder’.

Hussain was issued with a formal warning for misconduct.

A spokesperson for the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office said: ‘In deciding to issue Mr Hussain with a formal warning, Mr Justice Keehan and the Lord Chancellor took into consideration that he reported the matter to his bench chair straightaway, accepted responsibility for his conduct and that it was highly improper, apologised, closed his public social media accounts, and voluntarily undertook diversity and inclusivity training.’