On 19 November we will celebrate International Men’s Day, which raises awareness of men’s mental health and wellbeing. I want to reach out to all the other men working as solicitors to open a conversation about our health and wellbeing.

Nick Emmerson smiling

Nick Emmerson

International Men’s Day highlights men’s experiences and brings them into the mental health conversation. It provides a platform to discuss flexible working and parental leave, which tend to be attributed as 'women issues'. As men we can sometimes find the pressure to 'cope' - or appear to cope – with the pressures of life overwhelming. Some of us find it harder to know who we can talk to about our vulnerabilities and worries.

In this context, it is heartening that 66% of men who responded to a Law Society survey reported feeling well supported by their immediate manager, 76% felt supported by their peers and 65% said life satisfaction as being high or very high.

Our Annual Statistics Report 2021 (ASR) also found that in 2022 84% of men are working flexibly compared to 55% before the pandemic.

However, in response to our ASR, 28% of men reported feeling anxious and 51% of men found it difficult to relax during their personal time due to work pressures.

My hope is that everyone in the profession can feel fully supported at work and that every firm and employer is alert to and supportive of their partners and employees’ mental health. The onus is often on the individual to ‘fix’ their mental ill-health. In truth, we have a collective responsibility to make a positive work environment for everyone.

The Law Society has launched a Mental Health Hub and provides remote working guidance to help the profession take responsibility for our mental health and wellbeing.

In today’s climate, with rising inflation, a looming recession and an energy crisis, we all have stresses which could mean we have mental ill-health.

I urge the profession to look after one another today and every other day to ensure our colleagues can have a rewarding career and a supportive workplace.


Nick Emmerson is vice president of the Law Society of England and Wales
