Melanie Newman

  • Barking East street

    Urban outfitters

    1 April 2022

    Pandemic lockdowns wrought changes to our town and city centres that appear permanent. Lawyers have a critical role in helping to reconfigure our urban landscape, reports Melanie Newman

  • CoP

    A fair cop


    A court that deals with fundamental questions of human autonomy is becoming less risk-averse despite being thrust into the public eye. Melanie Newman reports.

  • Refugee boat

    Sea changes


    For all her tough talk of ‘turning back the boats’, are many of home secretary Priti Patel’s asylum reforms simply an exercise in political posturing? There are no easy answers, reports Melanie Newman.

  • remote hearing

    Talking pictures

    22 November 2021

    Are online hearings prone to abuse, or have we just not adapted properly yet? Melanie Newman reports on different family justice experiences.

  • Judges

    Open judicial training to FoI scrutiny, tribunal urged


    Judicial College is not currently subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

  • Protest

    Critical condition

    20 September 2021

    Councils have cut support for law centres and increased rents, threatening their survival just when people need their services most.

  • Tired doctor

    Battle fatigue

    26 July 2021

    What has the pandemic done to medical negligence and prospects for reform? Melanie Newman reports.

  • NI-Protocol-protest

    Damage limitation

    21 June 2021

    For legal services, the UK’s Brexit deal was better than expected, but still leaves a great deal to be desired – and lobbied for.

  • Woman bars prison

    Taking the rap: crime

    17 May 2021

    In a dysfunctional and cash-strapped criminal justice system, are sentencing discounts for a guilty plea leading to miscarriages of justice?

  • Two police officers on patrol

    Gazette special investigation: Hate crimes


    In a special investigation for the Gazette, Melanie Newman reveals that hate crime laws are heavily used by police forces for offences against their own officers. Has the right balance been struck in this important area?

  • Police-arrest-youth

    Youth must be served

    1 March 2021

    Concerns abound at the quality of justice dispensed by the youth courts – the operation of which shocks even hardened defence lawyers.

  • Piggy bank

    Cold, hard cash

    26 October 2020

    HMRC’s ‘blended approach’ to tackling tax evasion and money laundering is getting results, reports Melanie Newman. But is it encroaching on people’s rights?

  • Human Rights2

    When rights came home

    12 October 2020

    With another lord chancellor gunning for the 20-year-old Human Rights Act, how do lawyers evaluate its legacy? Melanie Newman reports.

  • Charlie Mullins

    Labour pains

    27 July 2020

    New employment tribunals president Barry Clarke wants the system’s reputation to emerge from the crisis enhanced. It’s a tough ask, hears Melanie Newman.

  • Lambeth-Law-Centre

    Taken to the brink

    20 July 2020

    As we await the Ministry of Justice’s annual report, Melanie Newman canvasses practitioners about how the department is performing.

  • Crown Prosecution Service

    Rape case review to hear evidence of CPS policy shift

    6 July 2020

    Critics cite evidence allegedly contradicting CPS’s denial that it changed policy on rape cases.

  • Career ladder

    Going mobile

    1 June 2020

    The legal profession appears to be doing a lot to foster social mobility, using data-driven recruitment methods and helping children from disadvantaged backgrounds to enter the law. But is all this work making a real difference, or is it just burnishing the image of the biggest firms?

  • car-crash

    Crash test

    4 May 2020

    Covid-19 has prompted unprecedented collaboration between personal injury claimant lawyers and the insurance sector. Could this new spirit of co-operation survive the pandemic?

  • Lawyers 1

    An uphill battle

    30 March 2020

    Global efforts to achieve equality for women at the top of the legal profession are struggling to get results. Melanie Newman finds out what is going wrong – and what is working.

  • Colleagues/coworkers

    Magic circle equality scheme attracts more men than women

    30 March 2020

    Pioneering scheme was introduced by Linklaters Germany to help retain female lawyers.

More by Melanie Newman